Sunday, February 17, 2008

First person to leave a comment using the word "punany" in a sentence gets Bill Brownstein's Sex Carnival. (Based on my current visitor stats I'd say your odds of winning are about 50-50.) To claim free book, send an email to and include a valid mailing address (USA only). Note: By using the word "punany" in a sentence you are acknowledging that you are at least 18 years of age and wish to recieve Sex Carnival.

About Sex Carnival: Sex Carnival is a whimsical, eye-opening record of one man's travels into the bold new world of porn. Bill Brownstein provides a guide for the uninitiated and the bewildered, a hands-on intro for anyone who wonders why the porno biz has become so mainstream in just the last few years. Brownstein's global travels take him from watching Tristan and other sex superstars accept their trophies at the annual porn awards ceremony in Las Vegas to witnessing the weekend shopping sprees of Dutch families as the kids push their grocery carts through the biggest sex supermarkets on earth. He takes us from dungeons and dragons pleasure chambers in New York to a different kind of pleasure-the rough trade in Hamburg. And along the way, he stops off to catch some lap-dancing in Montreal and all kinds of unexpected action at the sex bars of Paris. Brownstein provides a lively account of the business of sex and reveals his encounters with a universe of titillation that is fresh, original, naughty, and very bizarre.


Perry Falwell said...

Well lo and behold! After a week with no takers for our first ever Free Book Giveaway, we finally have two - yes two! - winners. Even though they did not actually post a comment here as per the rules, opting instead to send their submissions via email, I will be honoring them both nevertheless.

Here are the winning sentences:

#1: "You have mistakenly misspelled the word punani as punany." (Editors notes: You could have also pointed out that "Free Book Giveaway" is a redundant phrase.)

and #2: "What can one say that has not been said / My punani is glorious, a deep fiery red / and how she complains when she needs to be fed / If I didn't have one I'd rather be dead."

Congratulations to the winners!

Anonymous said...

I've just learned that, previously, the comment settings for this blog only allowed registered bloggers to comment. I have reset it now to allow anyone to comment as I know some people wish to remain anonymous.